
Short-Term Therapy Success Story: Home for the Holidays!

Meet Viola F. She is a two time repeat customer to Madison Health and Rehab. Her first stay with us was in October 2016. Her second stay began with us in late November 2017. Both times her goal was to be able to rehab to home in time for the Holidays. She knew Christmas was right around the corner and wanted to be home to celebrate Christmas with her family. This November she began not feeling well and went to the hospital for weakness, shortness of breath, cough, and right sided chest pain. She was admitted to the hospital with dehydration and pneumonia which was treated with antibiotics. However, due to her illness and hospital stay rehab was recommended so she could regain her strength. After just three weeks of working with our therapy team, Viola was able to discharge home just in time for Christmas! Viola had this to say about her stay, “I told the therapy gals I sure do appreciate them patching me back up again and I’d probably seem again in year!”

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