April Community Living Activity

During the month of April, residents will be collecting donations to make goodies bag, which will be given out to those less fortunate out in the community. This includes local outreach programs for the homeless, the local ER, and the two new “Blessing Boxes” that the hospital will be putting up. One blessing box will be at the hospital and the other will be located at the Family YMCA. Blessing boxes are designed so that those who are less fortunate can come and pick up a few hygiene or food items that they may need. Items we are collecting are listed below:
- Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Small packs of baby wipes
- Socks
- Diapers
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Travel Sized shampoo/conditioner/lotion
- Various Grab-n-Go Food Items:
- Vienna Sausage/Potted Meat
- Beanie Weenies
- Snack Crackers
- Little Debbie’s
- Ramen Noodles/Cups of Noodles
- Pop Top Canned Food Items: Ravioli, Spaghetti O’s, Soups, etc.
Please drop off donated items to the Activities or Admissions Office.