
Letter from Administrator

— Greetings, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Jim Jarman, and I am the new administrator at Madison Health and Rehab. I am excited to start this new role and oversee the care, to our residents both short and long-term. I have been in a long-term care management role for... Read More

Madison Health Presents a Talent Show!

— January 28th at 2pm Residents and Staff, LOOK OUT!, we got some talent coming through our talent show is coming up this month and auditions are open now ! you can take this opportunity to show us what you got from magic to singing we will love every bit of it! this also includes staff,... Read More

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month

— January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month: A time to learn about this serious eye disease and its impact. Glaucoma is a condition that gradually causes vision loss, and once sight is lost, it cannot be restored. With over 3 million people in the United States affected, glaucoma remains one of the leading causes of vision... Read More

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

— Please join us as we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, January 20, 2025. This federal holiday honors Dr. King’s remarkable achievements, including his leadership in nonviolent activism and his pivotal role in fighting racial discrimination across the United States. His contributions to equality and justice continue to... Read More

Celebrate Word Nerd Day on January 9!

— Are you a word lover, or as some might say, a “logophile”? If you enjoy discovering new words and their meanings, January 9 is the perfect day for you! Think back, what was the last new word you learned? Did you immediately know what it meant, or did you have to look it up or... Read More

Short-Term Therapy Success Story

— “Hi, my name is Paula J. and on August 12th my journey to know Madison Health and Rehab began. See, I was living at home and fell and broke my left shoulder in three different places and sported a large hematoma on my left knee. I was taken by ambulance to Baptist Health Richmond, where... Read More

Letter from a Resident

— Hey everybody! How is everyone doing today? I bet you’re looking forward to the holidays, because I know I am! I can’t wait to see the snow out my window and watch the Christmas movies that come on Hallmark. The holidays, in my opinion, are a season of love and a time to be with... Read More

Letter from Administrator

— Greetings, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Jim Jarman, and I am the new administrator at Madison Health and Rehab. I am excited to start this new role and oversee the care, to our residents both short and long-term. I have been in a long-term care management role for... Read More

Stay Active and Connected during the Winter

— The winter can be a challenging time to stay physically and socially active due to colder temperatures, slippery conditions, and fewer daylight hours. However, you’ll find it is worth the effort, because staying active and connected with others is a great way to keep the “winter blues” away. Here are a few things to try... Read More

The Gift of Sight Month

— Decorated trees, picturesque snowy landscapes, colorful presents, the joy of perusing old photo albums, the bright happy faces of family and friends reunited after a long year. There is no time of the year where it is clearer to see how important the gift of sight is than it is during the holiday season. During... Read More