Short-Term Therapy Success Story

Frank B. admitted to Madison Health and Rehabilitation on November 29th following a hospital stay for a cardiac surgery and a cyst on his brain. He had wishes to return home to his beloved dog and the lady that was going to assist in his care. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but was determined to make it happen. Upon arrival, he had low balance and could not walk and utilized a wheelchair to get around. He had tremors, trouble feeding himself, and trouble maneuvering himself around his bed. It was vital that he be able to ambulate well as his only means of traveling is public transportation. Upon admitting, he was also on oxygen to help him maintain a stable oxygen level. When Frank B. left us on December 19th, his gains were enormous! He was able to walk independently and no longer required oxygen! Upon discharge, he was almost back to 100 %! Madison Health and Rehabilitation is so proud of the gains that Frank B. made!